About Me
The earliest memory I have of me drawing probably is when I was around 4 years old. I loved drawing animals, more specifically horses. As I was watching animated movies, which I loved to do as a child, I also always had my sheets of paper and pencils next to me.
I’ve heard from fellow artists who share the same age as me, that pausing animated movies on videotapes to then draw what I saw on screen was not an uncommon thing back in the 90s. The moment I learned how I could record my favorite TV shows like Digimon, there was no stopping me. I plowed through so many spare videotapes, my parents were forced to set up some rules. They still kept all those tapes to this day, and even proudly recall those days when I visit them :)
Since school was, like for many people, my least favorite thing and I was struggling to keep up with classes, my parents decided to send me to a school which had art courses in 2004. They thought to at least make junior and high school more enjoyable by studying art, and I’m glad they did. Here is where I got introduced to manga, since I had no idea of its existence and it opened an entire new world for me. I had a friend who had quite the collection of manga and she lent me a few. As you can imagine, I used those as references and practiced my drawing style to match my favorite mangakas back then.
After finishing high school, I continued and went to college where I graduated after 4 tough years in Graphic Design and Illustration in 2014. During these years, I got flooded with schoolwork. I barely had any free time and I didn’t draw for myself anymore, which resulted in my drawing skills – personally – going backwards. It took quite the toll on my mental health, and quitting college did occur to me twice.
After a few years of job hunting, I started my own business together with my husband in 2016 (the same year we also got married!) and started working on my comic Libra the year after, which I was uploading on Webtoons and it got such amazing support. In 2018 I started streaming on Twitch to share my drawing progress and also to motivate myself to work on comic pages! In the beginning it was very hard since I’m a very introverted person, but after some time it was the thing I was looking forward to the most every day.
By 2020 I had three chapters of Libra under my belt, and I decided to take it slower. Working many hours a day and producing one 100-page-book a year really took a toll on my health since I made the books entirely myself, so I took a small hiatus from it in an attempt to recharge my batteries. Streaming on Twitch also had to stop, since I couldn’t provide any art content to make on stream nor was my mental health in the right space for it.
Of course, during that hiatus, I came up with a new story which I called Eterna. My health was going downwards, and due to some in real life issues bottling up, I had to leave progress on Eterna aside as well. In 2023 I managed to finally start working on worldbuilding and the story, of which a good chunk is now done!
So that’s roughly my story up to this day. There have been many times I thought about giving up on making comics and art in general, but when I thought about what I could do instead, I realised that’s not what I want to do with my life. Art is such a big part of me, I would not be the same person anymore without it.
The future is uncertain, but exciting nonetheless!